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Everything you need to know about eyelid surgery

The operation of eye-lids is classified as operation addressing the changes caused by ageing, being a radical removal of such symptoms with a highly efficient result. It is performed either as a separate performance just on the lower or upper eye-lids, or simultaneously, depending on the local finding. If the whole face ageing symptoms should be solved, firstly a face and neck operation is made, shortly after then followed by the eye-lid operation.

eyelid operation before / after

A personal consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon is the very first and important step. A good precondition for successful operation performance is a good health condition determining an upper age limit for that operation.

At the plastic operation of eye-lids, it is necessary to remove not only the skin excess, but also fad prolapses. At upper eye-lids, where the movement extent is larger than on the lower eye-lids, big skin excesses occur sooner or later. They can be caused also by other factors – type of skin, tendencies to eye-lid swelling (e.g. by allergic symptoms, kidney illness, however, most frequently by an inborn disposition) and fat bags prolapses especially in inner edges of upper eye-lids.

Skin excess is rather scare in case of upper eye-lids, however, if a lower eye-lid skin fall occurs up to the face border, a surgical intervention is much more difficult. That is why it is necessary to visit a surgeon in time. A plastic operation removes fat prolapses in the whole width of the lower eye-lid, keeps a natural tonus of the lower eye-lid skin and does not create ugly eye bags.

Where there is no excessive skin on the lower eyelids but only puffy bags, these may be removed with laser-assisted surgery via the conjunction without any scars on the skin.

However, it should be noticed the soft mimic wrinkles on the lower eye-lid and inner eye edge cannot be removed by the operation. They are caused by the usual mimic of face muscles at every person individually, and, in practice, they are permanent. They are removed using laser or injections /botulotoxin, collagen, hyaluronan/.

Eyelid surgery procedure

Check the photo story of eyelid surgery at UEM.

Pre-operation Instructions

  1. A consultation with a plastic surgeon is followed by internal pre-operation examination, and then a term for an operation can be agreed.
  2. Having paid an advance, the operation term becomes binding for both parties, the remaining part of the operation price has to be paid on the day of the operation.
  3. It is necessary to appear fasting to the operation (i .e do not drink, eat, smoke since midnight) following complete hygienic measures including hair washing, without any make-up).
  4. Before the operation, boiled cold water should be prepared in the fridge which will be used for compresses after coming back home.
  5. Any jewels including earrings should be left at home!
  6. The patient has to bring dark glasses to our clinic.
  7. After the operation, the patient will have to stay at the department until a complete stabilization of the health condition, then she is released to the treatment at home already without any bandages, with dark glasses on her eyes.
  8. We recommend the patients to be accompanied and especially in case of patients from other town it is suitable to arrange for transport by car.
  9. An extended stay at our department can be agreed individually, as well as admitting to the department in the afternoon on the day prior to the operation in case of patients from other town.

Video: Two friends for eyelid surgery

Blepharoplasty – Operation and Post-operation Period

The operation is made under local anaesthesia. Complete anaesthesia (narcosis) is available following an agreement with the surgeon and anaesthesiologist in case the operation under local anaesthesia is not suitable. The price for operation is then increased by the price for narcosis and hospitalisation – if this is the case, the patient can be released to home treatment only on the day following the operation.

Sections are conducted by the upper eyelids in the eyelid bend line, about 1.5 cm behind the outer angle, at lower eyelids, just below the lashes.

Eye-lid swellings and subcuticular blood suffusions are common post-operation symptoms. In the period until the stitches removal, a rest regime and careful cold compresses with elastic compression are recommended.

The stitches are removed on the 4th or 6th day after the operation, and we recommend to continue to apply compresses over night for about further ten or fourteen days.

Patients can return to normal life regime after seven days from the operation, after 14 days they can start to apply usual cosmetics including make-up. A patient can return back to sports and physical load after 3 – 4 weeks.

The data presented is based on a common post-operation course. However, a recovery is an individual process depending not only on healing abilities of every individual body, but also on every patient´s conscientiousness.

The patient is expected to set such conditions for a period of several days after her operation to be able, in case of any subjective problems or complication, to come as soon as possible for examination to our department.

A positive operation result and mutual satisfaction is in your interest as well as in ours. Mutual trust and co-operation of the patient with the surgeon is a vital precondition.

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